My only ever gratitude journal entry but it's important so let's get it over with

28th March, 2020. Fucking gratitude. For a long time I have thought the gratitude idea is naff. Normally naff things aren’t too bad – they can usually be ignored, or enjoyed. But this gratitude thing just came too close. Everyone was talking about it. Research has shown. Research has shown. What did it show? Gratitude is the key to happiness. That is what it showed. Be grateful. Make lists. It will fix everything. Through pain – be grateful. Try. Try harder. Be grateful. Why do I hate this? Because it's naff. And, like any lifehack for human suffering, it's not meaningless. It's dangerous. ***** Many of us from the leafier suburbs of the world know exactly what it's like to have our expressions of suffering repurposed as ingratitude. I was fed messages, which I dutifully swallowed, about how much money and time was invested in my upbringing. On how much was spent on our house, on our various sailboats, on our holidays, on our schooling, on our exchange trips, on our u...