The launch

Well yesterday I discovered that my first ever work in my name has been published in Eureka Street magazine. It's funny how a piece that is written and edited so carefully and placed in a little reed basket and sent down the literary river with pride and love can be re-read by its author a month later and found to be frighteningly overwritten. But, as Dev says, everyone thinks their work is shit. You just have to get over it.

The more I write the more I discover that the boatswain I was brought up to be is fighting its way to the surface, even though I now live several kilometres from the shore. So I'm celebrating this as a launch. When I was young, whenever we had a new boat, we would smash a bottle of champagne on it. I have a fragment of memory of my father and his friend attempting to smash a large bottle, which simply bounced off the newly fibreglassed hull until Shauna collapsed, half-wetsuited, into the sea. I actually have no idea if it is true, but it could have been.

Here's one way to launch:

But here's my way:


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